Buff machine is a vulnerable machine with Windows operating system among retired machines. It is expected to obtain user and root flags using these vulnerabilities.We perform a network scan with nmap to recognize the target machine.Classic Scan Full Port Scan As a result of port scanning, ports 7680/tcp pando-pub and 8080/tcp http Apache 2.4.43 are …
Ay: Ekim 2023
Grandpa machine is a vulnerable machine with Windows operating system among the reitred machines and it is expected to obtain user and root flags using these vulnerabilities.We perform a network scan with nmap to recognize the target machine.Classic Scan As a result of port scanning, we found that port 80/tcp http Microsoft IIS httpd 6.0 …
Granny machine is a vulnerable machine with windows operating system among retired machines. User and root flags are expected to be obtainedWe perform a network scan with nmap to recognize the target machine.Classic scan Full port scan As a result of the port scan, only port 80/tcp open http Microsoft IIS httpd 6.0 is open.We …
Sauna machine is a vulnerable machine with Windows operating system among retired machines. It is expected to obtain user and root flags using these vulnerabilities.We perform a network scan with nmap to recognize the target machine.Classic Scan Full Port Scan As a result of port scanning, we detected many open ports. Important ports 53/tcp domain …
Netmon machine is a vulnerable machine with Windows operating system among redited machines. It is expected to obtain user and root flags using these vulnerabilities.We perform a network scan with nmap to recognize the target machine.Classic Scan As a result of port scanning, 21/tcp ftp Microsoft ftpd, 80/tcp http Indy, 135/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows …
Blue machine is a vulnerable machine with windows operating system among retired machines. It is expected to obtain user and root flags using these vulnerabilities.We perform a network scan with nmap to recognize the target machine.Classic scan Full port scan As a result of the port scan, we encountered a lot of ports. Let’s scan …
Legacy machine is a vulnerable machine with Windows operating system among retired machines. It is expected to obtain user and root flags from this machine.We perform a network scan with nmap to recognize the target machine.Classic Scan Full Port Scan As a result of port scanning, 135/tcp msrpc Microsoft Windows RPC, 139/tcp netbios-ssn Microsoft Windows …
The Devel machine is a deliberately vulnerable machine with a Windows operating system found among retired machines. It is expected to obtain user and root flags using these vulnerabilities.We perform a network scan with nmap to recognize the target machine.Classic Scan Full Port Scan As a result of the port scan, it was found that …
During the preparation process for OSCP certification, I provided the solution of Linux operating system machines on the hack the box platform.I used the lists I collected from ippsec, NetSecFocus, and hackthebox form as a source. Enjoy your hacking